Update and news!

Hello, everyone!

We finally updated the game!

Even though this was just a small update, it fixed most (if not all) of the bugs that were happening previously. However, the Cleaning System was finally added! It has only a soap for now, for testing purposes.

Also, all items are still at x100 stacks since the game is still in Alpha and since there isn't much to do other than "kill or let die". But this will be changed once a couple more of the planned mechanics have been added.

Here's the Changelog:

  • Fixed the "Game Over" audio playing literally everywhere.
  • Fixed the retry button playing  the"Game Over" audio twice.
  • Fixed the Main Menu song playing outside of the main menu.
  • Fixed any music playing on the game over / you win screens.
  • Added the missing "click" SFX of the room changing arrows.
  • Added the Cleaning System!

That's it! This was the first update, which actually took longer than I expected, however, the next one is already on the works and will be released as soon as possible!

Stay tuned for more!


DontPetTheAlien_v02.apk 30 MB
Jun 28, 2018

Get Don't Pet The Alien!

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